Persistence pays off: 16-year-old takes Jenny Dell to prom

Former Red Sox sideline reporter Jenny Dell made a high school kid's dream come true when she accompanied him to his junior prom on Thursday.

Rockland (Mass.) High School's Cam Stuart began courting Dell, who is currently dating Boston third baseman Will Middlebrooks, last October via Twitter.

Stuart used the Twitter hashtag #HelpCamStuartBringJennyDellToProm, created business cards and left sticky notes around Fenway Park.

Fortunately for Stuart, Dell took notice.

"€œI thought it was fantastic,"€ Dell told "When you see someone that puts that much time and effort into something, you have to take the time and give him the benefit of the doubt."

Why did Stuart do all this?

"I sort of thought of this idea on my own, because I think Jenny Dell is pretty hot," Stuart told his high school newspaper The Veritas last year

Well, that about sums it up.

As with any prom, there are plenty of pictures and awkward videos of people dancing.