Only in Green Bay . . .
Feb. 3, 2011

Throughout the NFL, every fan base wants to claim it's the best in the league. When it comes to the Green Bay Packers, however, we've got tangible proof the team's fans are among the NFL's elite.

Few teams in the league are as big a part of their community as the Packers are in Green Bay, as evidenced this week by a letter sent out by the Green Bay school district.

Because of the expected rush to greet the Packers at the airport upon their return from Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, the district is closing school early on Monday and canceling most afternoon activities. And, of course, it will be an excused absence if parents wish to pull their children from school Monday morning or Tuesday to attend a celebration, should the team win.

Here's the text of the letter:

February 3, 2011

Dear Parents and Guardians:

It's exciting to live in a city where the NFL team goes to the Super Bowl; it's even more so when you live in Green Bay! Because of the effect the Packers have on the community, many families are planning on welcoming the Packers back from their trip to the Super Bowl. Additionally, we have schools located close to the stadium that will be greatly affected by the parade route, traffic, and are in areas heavily used for parking around Lambeau Field. Here are our plans for next week:

Monday, February 7
The district will have a district-wide early release on Monday. Please send your children to school that morning. Parents or guardians who wish to excuse their children from school Monday morning are to call it in as a family vacation absence. Lunch will be served only at elementary schools.

There will be no afternoon four-year-old kindergarten, early childhood, Head Start, or Chance for Change. After school programs are canceled. Elementary and middle school after school activities and scheduled competitions are canceled. High school practices will be held at the coach's discretion, and any high school games will be held as scheduled.

School will be released on Monday as follows: