Ole Miss Coed Wins At Life...Again

Every now and then interviews happen, go up on the Internet, and are completely and totally perfect. 

This is one of those interviews. 

My buddies at TexAgs.com traveled to Ole Miss for the second straight year. 

And for the second straight year Johnny Manziel tantalized Ole Miss fans with the possibility that they might pull off the Aggie upset. But then Manziel leapt up and down on their hearts until their hearts broke. 

But that was in the future. 

First everyone had to have a spectacular time in the Grove. 

Including an Ole Miss coed who is about to be an internet sensation. 

Let's watch.

The first forty seconds of this video are fairly normal, and then our brunette Internet star takes the microphone and says, "My favorite thing about the Grove is the alcohol."

And we're off.


"I love school spirit, but let's not get me wrong, I wouldn't have school spirit without a couple of vodka waters."

Honestly, she could have dropped the mic with a line like "I wouldn't have school spirit without a couple of vodka waters."

But she wasn't done yet. 

She had several other great lines. 

But this one is going to be tough to beat by anyone. 

"My favorite thing about Ole Miss is the education I receive here," pause, "psyche."

Yep, she went psyche. 

And if you're thinking to herself, "God d---, I want to marry this hot mess in a red dress, you can find Shelby on Twitter here."

Hotty Toddy, boys and girls.

The Grove really does never lose a party.

Props to the guys at TexAgs for putting in the hard work on this one.