Ohio State student who ran on field pleads guilty

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- A student who ran onto the field during an Ohio State football game and was body-slammed by a coach has pleaded guilty to misdemeanor criminal trespassing.

Twenty-one-year-old Anthony Wunder was fined $100 plus court costs Thursday in Franklin County Municipal Court. He had originally pleaded not guilty in September.

Wunder, a fourth-year engineering student, ran onto the Ohio Stadium turf Sept. 27 and was slammed to the ground by Ohio State assistant coach Anthony Schlegel. Video of the hit became a sensation on social media.

Wunder's Attorney Mark Collins says Wunder has apologized for his actions. Wunder will retain his scholarship from the Evans Scholars Foundation, but cannot live in the group's house on campus or participate in Evans Scholars activities until he's completed recommendations made during various assessments.