Oh, hell no! NFL fires back at Sherman

A day after Seahawks CB Richard Sherman said "about half" the league takes Adderall and the "league has to allow it," the NFL is fighting back. Sherman appeared on NFL Network on Thursday morning and tried to clarify his comments, saying that he was misquoted and taken out of context. He also tweeted this on Wednesday:

  On Thursday, he said, "There's a bunch of guys in the league on prescription for Adderall, so what — you know, I've never seen people get prescribed a performance-enhancing drug, you know what I mean?" "So I don't understand, you know, what everybody is so — you know, they go so crazy about it when some of these guys test positive for it, but a bunch of guys have prescriptions for it, so it's like, you know kind of misleading." That's when the league stepped in and fired a shot across the bow. In a statement to Pro Football Talk, the NFL said, "The comments are ill-informed and inaccurate. Adderall is earily detected under current testing and will result in a suspension absent an approved therapeutic use exemption." OK, does the NFL have anything else to say? "If his statement were true, we would be seeing many more positive tests and suspensions. More important, his comments are irresponsible, as they ignore the serious medical risks and documented public health crisis associated with the improper use of Adderall and similar drugs." Alright, Richard ... the ball is in your court again. Do you want to continue going down this road with the league? Maybe it's best to just let this little issue die.