Nick Saban Met the Alabama Gymnastics Team

Nick Saban met the Alabama gymnastics team yesterday. The idea was that Saban would help the team focus as their national title run nears. Instead, thanks to Amanda Jetter, everyone is going to focus on what might be the most awkward Nick Saban photo ever taken.

I guess in an age of Bobby Petrino, you can never be too careful when your picture is taken with coeds.

Above all else.  


And make sure that the gymnasts who are taller than me are squatting in the front. Nick Saban is seven feet tall!

Anyway, Nick Saban is not happy with your early morning giggling over his photo. This is exactly what he's thinking right now:

"Hey, you, snickering over there, this is why you're a failure in life. You waste your day laughing at things when everyone knows laughter is only necessary on in-home visits for 28 minutes a day. Any more than that is fluff. You try to get your photo taken with 17 nearly teenage gymnasts and figure out where to put your hands without looking like a pervert. So what if I managed to adopt the I'm a little teapot with an erection pose? Sooooo what. It's all distractions. All just a bunch of fluff. I hate all of you."

It's okay, Nick.

I'm pretty sure every one of these girls has cooties.