NFL comeback? Fallon jokes about Tebow, Browns

The Cleveland Browns finished 2013 with one of the worst records in football and have made the playoffs just once since 1999. Quarterback Tim Tebow was booted out of the NFL after he couldn't complete half of his passes in 11 regular season starts for the Denver Broncos in 2011.

Put the Browns and Tebow together and what do you get - a setup for some late-night comedy fodder in the monologue of Wednesday's "The Tonight Starring Jimmy Fallon."

Ouch. Tebow takes his fair share of abuse but still won't give up on returning to the NFL. The Browns have been in the spotlight for the bold (Johnny Manziel) and bizarre (the guy entering practice seeking a tryout, which Fallon references).

Fallon has a history of incorporating Tebow into his show when he hosted "Late Night." Who could forget this classic?

Even if Tebow doesn't make it back to the pros, we'll always have Tebowie -- and for that, we thank you Jimmy Fallon.