Meyer feeling revitalized, comfortable

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Even during a busy month, new Ohio State coach Urban Meyer found time for some paperwork.

He joined the Ohio State Alumni Association.

"I can't wait to put the sticker on my car," Meyer joked recently.

But Meyer has been plenty busy with football things, too, as his fully assembled staff hits the homestretch of the recruiting period.

He can join the alumni association because he has a master's degree from Ohio State and because he's back home — both literally and figuratively. After a year away from coaching he felt was necessary, he has the job he wanted and believes he's ready for everything that's ahead.

"I feel as good as I've felt in many, many years," Meyer said. "I'm anxious to get going and that's probably the reason the kids are out early in the morning (for conditioning).

"Revitalized is a strong word and it's an appropriate word for how I feel right now."

Meyer introduced his new staff members and offered updates on his first 10 days on the job Thursday. Among them:

* On recruiting, he said: "I feel OK about it. It's not good until it's official (on Feb. 1, National Signing Day). The next four or five (players) are going to be key. These next couple weeks are big."

He said he he's been turned down by some recruits but hired his staff without hearing a single "no." And he had recruiting in mind when putting that staff together. Meyer said he's been very hands-on in recruiting and will continue to be, favoring that method over what he called a "CEO approach" in which assistants do much of the work and the head coach comes in to close the deal.

"I love recruiting," Meyer said. "If you're not a good recruiter you have no value on our staff."

He said talking about Ohio State's 2012 bowl ban with already-committed recruits required "a lot of long phone calls" but none ended with those recruits changing their minds.

"They stuck with us, absolutely," Meyer said. "I had to explain it, and rightfully so."

* He said he met with the entire team for five minutes after the bowl ban was announced and then asked the 2012 seniors to stay so he could discuss it specifically with them. It appears that whole class will be back next season, choosing to stay at OSU over the NFL and other opportunities.

"You don't come to Ohio State to leave with a bad taste in your mouth," he said.

Meyer said he has met briefly with several players, mostly because they've passed in the hallway, and will use February for longer, more formal meetings with his new players.

* He has not appointed a special-teams coach because he's always assumed that role himself — except for his last season at Florida. He said another coach could gain a title after spring practice.