'Melo to Lakers would pay dividends only down the road

By Billy Witz

BOSTON -- That primal scream -- Nooooooooo! -- that was heard Tuesday coming from the offices of 28 NBA general managers, most loudly from New York?

It emanated after word got out that the Lakers have had preliminary talks with the Denver Nuggets about a deal that would have Carmelo Anthony and Andrew Bynum as its centerpiece.

It was fitting that this news came as the Lakers were departing Memphis, since it was the scene of their last heist -- when general manager Mitch Kupchak pried Pau Gasol away from the Grizzlies in 2008 without anyone catching wind of it.

That deal led Spurs coach Gregg Popovich to suggest the league form a committee that would review all trades, and yes, he would be happy to serve on it.

No doubt, Chairman Popovich would not be pleased.

But there are a couple things to note about this proposal. First off, it isn