Max Domi takes diabetes awareness crusade to Players Tribune

Coyotes rookie Max Domi has taken his diabetes awareness crusade to the Players Tribune, authoring an intimate, in-depth account of his journey to the NHL after being diagnosed with the disease in his childhood.

The article, entitled "Passing the Test," can be read in its entirety at

Domi recounts his first meeting, at age 13, with his inspiration, hockey great Bobby Clarke, who overcame Type 1 diabetes to fashion a Hall-of-Fame career with the Philadelphia Flyers.

He writes of a childhood hanging around the Toronto Maple Leafs, while his father, Tie, played for them, and goofing around with head trainer Scotty McKay and the training staff -- including raucous laundry cart rides that always ended in a crash landing.

He credits his father and mother for putting him on a path to success with their focus on discipline and attention to detail -- which is even more important in battling his disease than opposing players.

Domi meticulously spells out his practice-day and game-day routines in making sure he maintains a proper blood sugar level.

Domi's maturity beyond his years -- he just turned 21 -- has impressed one and all since his arrival in Arizona, and this account will only add to his stature.

His disease thrust him into a position he didn't ask for, but it's clearly one he's suited for -- carrying the torch passed down by Bobby Clarke.

He concludes by writing about his frequent encounters with young diabetes patients in London, Ontario, where he played junior hockey.

Give it a read at -- you'll be glad you did.