Manziel responds to being shunned by Longhorns fans

Johnny Manziel might not be welcome in Austin after getting thrown out of a University of Texas frat party over the weekend, but the Heisman-winning quarterback is making sure he gets the last word.

Manziel took to Twitter on Sunday, sending a bash of his own in the Longhorns' direction.

"Last time I checked double digit win columns and championships are what matter," Manziel shared.

For Texas A&M fans, the tweet could signal Manziel's finally becoming 'a true Aggie.'

Aggies are surely tired of their star quarterback sympathizing and hanging out with the enemy in Austin. In the last year, Manziel has betrayed his own team in a variety of ways — including flashing the 'Hook 'em Horns' sign at a concert, sporting a temporary tattoo of the Longhorns' logo on while spring break, and admitting he was a Texas fan as a child.

So with just one tweet, Manziel is doing his part to 'saw 'em off' in what many Aggies hope will be the first in a long line of friendly Longhorn bashing.