Lack of touchdowns, even in practice a concern for Browns?

"Today is a day they are not going to look at as a day that anyone won the quarterback job because both were average at best," said Jackson when asked about how the quarterbacks handled the rainy conditions. "Probably more like mediocre and it's a concern."
"I don't think there's huge red flags about anything that happens in a first preseason game, or anything else going on because nothing counts until September 7th, but this team does not score touchdowns even in practice," said Jackson who has been watching the offense closely since camp began. "If that doesn't start changing, then I think there's concern."
On a Sunday conference call with the media, Mike Pettine dismissed the reports that he had already picked Manziel as his starter for the second preseason game against the Redskins next Monday night. He also called the reports that Manziel had pulled ahead of Hoyer false.
"The way I read into what Mike Pettine has said is that neither guy has won it," said Jackson. "Above all else what they want is one guy to win it."
Johnny Manziel has made improvements, but he has yet to show consistency.
"Johnny is nipping at his heels, but he is not passed Hoyer by any means," answered Jackson. "Everyday that looks like he has, has not been followed up with another strong one."
Zac Jackson's latest on the QB competition- Manziel making strides, ganing on Hoyer
You can listen to the interview in it's entirety at 92.3 The Fan's website.