Korean mayor suffers egging for relocating baseball team to another municipality

In an enlighting tweet from the website MyKBO, which covers Korean baseball happenings in English, the website asked rhetorically, "What happens to a mayor after he decides to move a stadium?"

The video above from a council meeting last Thursday answers that question: The mayor gets egged.

The aggrieved egger, councilman Kim Seong-il, pitched one strike and one ball at Changwon mayor Ahn Sang-soo to protest a plan to build a baseball stadium in Masan. Originally the stadium for the KBO expansion team NC Dinos was slated for the Jinhae municipality, which Kim Seong-il represents.

I'm amused by the mayor's generally nonchalant reaction. "Will I need to dry-clean this jacket? Ugh, OK."

In a highly NSFW -- but entertaining and relevant -- "This is what happens" moment, let's cut to this scene from "The Big Lebowski."

[H/T Deadspin]