Kobe, Bill Clinton to lead panel on kids and sports

Kobe Bryant will join former President Clinton on Jan. 13, leading a panel on kids and sports in La Quinta.

According to the Associated Press, Bryant will be part of a roundtable discussion at the Clinton Health Matters Initiative Conference.

"There's so much to be gained, so much from health and fitness," Bryant said. "It's really an important initiative for kids to understand that you're not just getting the benefits of being healthy, you're also understanding how to be great leaders, how to be unselfish, how to work within a group, competitive spirit."

Topics at the conference will include "barriers to access, coaching quality and safety."

Highlights from the discussion will air on ESPN2 on Feb. 9.

Bryant hasn't revealed what career path he'll take after basketball, but he has vowed not to coach professionally -- though he is open to the idea of coaching children.

The Lakers All-Star guard annually hosts the Kobe Basketball Academy each summer for kids between 8 and 18.

--Eric Pincus