James Dolan is in a public dispute with a disgruntled Knicks fan

Knicks owner James Dolan admitted to Deadspin that he got into an argument with an unhappy season ticketholder on Tuesday night.

Some solid reporting uncovered a confrontation between Knicks fan Mike Hamersky and Dolan outside Madison Square Garden.

Dolan admitted he called Hamersky an asshole. Hamersky said Dolan also accused him of being drunk, and that he was not drunk.

From Deadspin:

“Sell the team, Jim!” Hamersky shouted.

According to Hamersky, Silva, and Dolan, the team owner, rather than getting in the car, turned around and walked toward them, asking who yelled. Hamersky admitted/boasted it was him, and Dolan got in his face and started yelling. Dolan asked Mike Hamersky what he did for a living, and Hamersky told him he’s a lawyer. “I think he was surprised to hear that,” Hamersky says.

Hamersky says Dolan then yelled, “What if I showed up at your office and called you an asshole? Because you are an asshole!”

Dolan remembers yelling a bit more at the heckler: “What if I told you, ‘You suck at your job?’ Or, ‘How do you like losing that case?”

Hamersky also told Deadspin that he “submitted an inquiry to the NBA to open a formal complaint against Mr. Dolan.”

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