Ivy League limits time demands on student-athletes

PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) The Ivy League has adopted two new rules that will further limit time demands on its student-athletes.

Ivy League Executive Director Robin Harris announced the changes Tuesday. They will go into effect this fall.

The first change gives student-athletes a 10-hour window of no athletic activity following their return from a road trip. The second requires a two-week recovery period with no allowable team athletic activity upon the completion of the team's final contest of the season.

''We are always attentive to the health and welfare of our student-athletes,'' Harris said. ''The Ivy League already has time demands limits in place that are more protective of our student-athletes than current NCAA rules, and our athletics directors felt it was important to take further steps to enhance the balance between being a student and an athlete.''

Both proposals were discussed, vetted and unanimously approved by the league's athletic directors during their meetings May 9-12. They were then endorsed by the Ivy League Policy Committee and Presidents.

The eight Ivy League schools are Brown, Columbia, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Penn, Princeton and Yale.