How they voted: Badgers in the 2015 AP football poll (Week 11)

Wisconsin re-entered the Associated Press top 25 for the first time since the Sept. 27 poll, coming in at No. 23.

How'd the Badgers make it back? Well, beating up on bad opponents helped (just look at the records of the teams UW has beaten), as did having teams in the top 25 lose.

Two weeks from now Wisconsin plays Northwestern, which is currently ranked at No. 24 with 6 fewer votes than the Badgers. Win that game, and a top-25 spot is no doubt deserving -- or at least more so.

For now, 11 voters still don't think the Badgers are top-25 worthy. The best ranking UW got this week was 18, but three voters. Two voters did give Wisconsin a five-spot boost on their ballot. No one moved the Badgers down, although a couple kept UW in the same spot.

Here's the complete list of who did and who didn't vote for Wisconsin in Week 10 with a comparison to Week 10.


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