Home fans boo Andy Dalton at MLB Celebrity All-Star Game

Major League Baseball held its annual Celebrity Softball Game, which is part of the All-Star festivities, in Cincinnati on Sunday. Bengals quarterback Andy Dalton participated in the event, but the local crowd wasn't too kind. Dalton, though, took the mix of boos in stride, saying afterward, "I'm not worried about it. Everybody has got an opinion. It doesn't really matter. It comes with it. Everybody has their opinion here. There's a lot of support and that's all that matters."

Adults normally should not bring gloves to baseball games, but there is an exception. This Dodgers fan shows us what it is.

Novak Djokovic may have won Wimbledon, but when he tried to go Hulk Hogan, things got embarrassing.

The Patriots quarterback rocked a floppy hat on his casual Sunday.

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Reds outfielder Billy Hamilton stole third base against the Pirates on Saturday night while the catcher was tossing the ball back to the pitcher.

Sports fan Mia Khalifa may be a porn star, but she also has a boyfriend. Therefore, if you're a pro athlete who is thinking about hitting her up on Twitter, don't. Bills safety Duke Williams learned this lesson the hard way.

John Cena is the world's biggest Make-A-Wish celebrity.

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