High school sophomore destroys opponent with otherworldly dunk

Chase Hunter is a sophomore at Westlake High School in Atlanta, Georgia, who entered last year as the No. 1 ranked player for his grade in the state of Georgia.

In a recent game he did this, and I am not going to question his ranking as the No. 1 player in the state of Georgia after watching it.


Hunter is listed at 6'2", which if my calculations are correct, means he jumped about 14 feet in the air for this dunk. (I was never good at math.)

What I hope comes from this dunk, however, is that the opponent learns never, ever to step in front of a dunk like that again. Best case scenario you take a charge and get a pat on your back from the coach. Worst case scenario, as it happened here, you die and then the internet watches it for weeks. Just get out of the way.