Guns, badges stolen during police charity football game in Southern California

In what has to be considered a bold, brash -- and nervy -- crime, thieves in Southern California robbed three handguns, four badges, jewelry and cash from a locker room during a charity football game. A charity game played by cops, no less.

The game took place Saturday between the Los Angeles Centurions and San Diego Enforcers at Bishop Mora Salesian High School in Boyle Heights, Calif.

Three handguns, four badges, jewelry and cash were taken from San Diego officers' duffel bags in the locker room area at about 5:30 p.m., LAPD Lt. Andy Neiman told KTLA.

"€œIt could have been that they did not know there were off-duty law enforcement personnel there, but it is pretty brazen to break in to a facility during daytime hours with numerous people in the campus,"€ LAPD Sgt. Gabriel Lara said.

The robbery was discovered at half, according to the report. The LAPD's locker room was untouched.

"€œIt was over 20 minutes, I was thinking what'€™s going on here?"€ game photographer Erik Sarni said. "€œThe helicopter was overhead."