Get To Know An Offensive Lineman: Kyle Long loves his musk

Busy with dirty work in the trenches, offensive linemen don't get the glory enjoyed by "skilled" players. In fact, if their number gets called at all, that usually means they've screwed up. They don't get drafted to fantasy teams, and the casual NFL fan can probably name no more than a few big men up front.
We here at The Buzzer want to give NFL offensive linemen a voice and some semblance of glory. So we've asked several of the league's top offensive linemen to let us get to know them better. We asked the questions, they gave us the answers. Each week at The Buzzer, we'll help you "Get To Know An Offensive Lineman."
FOX Sports: Who's the smelliest guy in your locker room? And please describe the odor.
Kyle Long: I would have to say I am the smelliest guy in meetings. I have a lifelong prescription for shower pills. I like my musk. Some guys don't share the same feeling about it.
FS: What's the best or most unique locker room prank you've witnessed (or pulled yourself)?
KL: If you are texting or something with your head down, Brandon Marshall or Matt Forte will throw a cardboard box over your head and everyone will yell "box him up!" Also, I had a tarantula put in my dorm room last year at. Not sure who did that.
FS: Which defensive player (not on your own team) is the best trash talker that you've encountered at the line of scrimmage?
KL: Hands down, the best trash talker was William Hayes from the St. Louis Rams.
FS: When's the last time you touched the football in an actual game? What did you do with it?
KL: A pass was tipped at the line of scrimmage in Minnesota last year. Instead of doing the smart thing and batting it down, I caught it and tried to run and was immediately struck by multiple defenders and fumbled the ball. Very costly mental mistake.
[Editor's Note: Sorry, Kyle. Here's a photo of the play.]
FS: Who's got the biggest appetite among the members of your team's O-Line?
KL: Jordan Mills, he is a Louisiana guy so he has always been used to eating good. He loves everything.
FS: Do you have a nickname?
KL: My dad calls me Kung Fu Panda. You would have to ask him.
FS: What was the highlight of your offseason?
KL: Getting to go on vacation with the entire family in Montana. We love it up there.
FS: Tell us something about life as an O-lineman that the average fan probably doesn't know.
KL: Although we are the biggest-, nastiest-looking creatures on the field, we tend to be the smartest and the nicest guys on the field. We are very emotional, and we are most definitely pack animals.
Past editions of Get To Know An Offensive Lineman: Chance Warmack | Geoff Schwartz | Evan Mathis