Game of Thrones Deathpool Odds

With "Battle of the Bastards" set to air Sunday at 9 eastern there are a ton of moving parts in this week's Deathpool odds which come to us via OddsShark.

Loras Tyrell, who has been the favorite for weeks, comes back to the pack while Ramsay, the High Sparrow, Tommen and Tormund all surge up the list. 

If you're nervous that Jon Snow is getting killed this weekend then you stand to make a ton of money, Snow's 75-1 to be killed next. Ghost and Davos are moving up the list as well, however. 

For Outkick viewers, we will be doing our regularly scheduled Outkick Show at 10 et immediately after Game of Thrones ends even if Game 7 of the NBA Finals is taking place. 

I'm sorry, "Game of Thrones" really is that important, we have to watch it live. I'll be watching it live from a hotel room near Oakmont, the site of this week's U.S. Open. 

Here are the deathpool odds:

Loras Tyrell +350

Ramsay Bolton (Snow) +500

High Sparrow +600

Tommen Baratheon +600

Tormund +900

Yara Greyjoy +1600

Theon Greyjoy +2000

Margaery Tyrell +2000

Olenna Tyrell +2000

Daario Naharis +2200

Grey Worm +2500

Jaime Lannister +3000

Jorah Mormont +3300

Lady Melisandre +3300

Podrick Payne +3500

Brienne of Tarth +3500

Euron Greyjoy +4000

Missandei +4000

Ghost +4000

Davos +4500

Drogon +4500

Arya Stark +5000

Jaquen H'ghar +5000

Lord Varys +5500

Ellaria Sand +6600

Sansa Stark +6600

Samwell Tarly +6600

Petyr Baelish +6600

Bronn +6600

Jon Snow +7500

Tyrion Lannister +7500

Cersei Lannister +7500

Daenerys Targaryen +10000

I can't wait.