Frustrated Mets fan starts 'Let's Get the Mets a Hitter!' page

By Jason Rowan

The New York Mets (49-47) may be sitting only three games back of the Washington Nationals in the NL East, but the squad could be a lot better off if the team wasn’t batting a league-worst .233.

After starting 15-8 in April, the Mets have been a middling bunch at best, and a 2-5 slide in the past seven games has Mets fans feeling antsy about the prospect of the team remaining in the race.

So much so, in fact, that one of them has taken to crowdfunding in an effort to rattle the cages of the team’s brass, alerting them to the fact that another bat is needed before it’s too late.

Etan Bednarsh, a die-hard Mets backer, has launched a page on GoFundMe entitled, “Let’s Get the Mets a Hitter!” that seeks to raise a whopping $3 million.

Let’s allow Bednarsh to state his case.

The page’s mission statement reads as follows:

My name is Etan. I love the Mets. And I hate that I have to make this video.

But the Mets need a hitter. And their owners lost all their money in a ponzi scheme and reports now say the Mets won’t pay 2 to 3 million dollars to acquire a hitter before the trade deadline.

So here’s what we need: 3 million dollars to give to the New York Mets so they can get what they need most: a guy who can hit in the middle of the order.

So donate what you can afford. Let’s! Go! Fund. The Mets.

The suggested donation amounts feature eight levels and range from $5 (John Mayberry Jr.) to $50,000 (Daniel Murphy). All levels feature a clever quip, such as the Michael Cuddyer level ($500), which suggests fans “… help us drive in runs in scoring position. I can’t explain why we care, but we do care. Life is strange. Let’s try to make it good. Let’s try.”

Hey, it never hurts to try.

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