FOX Sports Ohio to air Mount St. Joseph University vs. Hiram College women's basketball

Game will also be streamed live on FOX Sports GO

FOX Sports Ohio will televise live the Big East's production of the women's basketball game between Mount St. Joseph University and Hiram College on Sunday, November 2nd at 2:00pm.

The NCAA granted Mount St. Joseph an exemption to play the game earlier than originally scheduled to accommodate the wish of Lauren Hill to achieve her dream of playing in one college basketball game. Lauren was diagnosed last October with Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG), a form of brain cancer which is currently an incurable condition.

Because of the public's overwhelming demand for tickets to the game, Xavier University officials offered the use of the Cintas Center, and tickets sold out within 30 minutes. To accommodate interest from those who missed the opportunity to purchase a game ticket, FOX Sports Ohio will televise the game live.

The game will also be available to all users on FOX Sports GO, the app that provides live streaming video of FOX Sports content. Fans can download the mobile app for free from the iTunes App Store, Google Play, Amazon App Store and Windows Store.

Lauren and her family selected The Cure Starts Now Foundation as the recipient of the funds raised. All proceeds will be provided to Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center to continue support of their International DIPG registry. The registry's primary goal is understanding the biology of DIPGs in the interest of developing more effective therapies and approaches to diagnosis, assessment and treatments that will improve patient outcomes. Donations to The Cure Starts Now can be made here: