FOX Sports North heads to Lake of the Woods

Fox Sports *North* of the Border!

Me and Bob Joyce with the Due North/Rapid Marine Lund

My poor boat.... The Due North Outdoors/Rapid Marine Lund sits in the garage completely trashed and in desperate need of some serious TLC. The carpet is soaked in a foul stew of splashed leech water, spilled Diet Cokes, layers of pungent pike slime, lots of human sweat and a layer of Canadian rain. As a diehard angler, I couldn't be happier.....

Lake of the Woods...

Sunday, we headed north to Lake of the Woods to check out the hot summer walleye fishing with a few of our good friends. The crew included Ryan Sirvio and Jim Denn, two of our partners from Fox Sports North who help make Due North Outdoors happen. Ryan and Jim don't get a chance to fish as much as I do, so they were kinda hopin' for a highlight kind of trip. I'd say we ALL got it. We had temps in the low 80s and almost zero wind as our crew of 10 fished Northland jigs tipped with Northland Impulse plastics. Let's just say the setup worked. We had a hot pattern of fish. Every person on the trip caught new personal bests for walleyes ('cept for me- Remember that 34 inch Tobin Lake monster?).

The Fox Sports North Boys Doubled Up! *again*

Jim and Ryan both caught personal records for pike too!

Another BIG pike for Jim!

Ryan with another dandy!

Rick and Bob

Rick and Bill Double Up!

The coolest moment came when a pike snapped off Rick's last walleye jig (or so we guessed). Five minutes later, Bob had a nice pike in the net. He had Rick's jig back too!

After three EPIC days of fishing, I pointed the boat east for our 37 mile haul from Wiley Point Lodge back to the Totem Lodge launch. Skies looked heavy and Grey. Bob Joyce had time for a quick "thumbs up" as we got the bimini top up just in time.

Heck, I could barely see as cold rain and wind kicked. Both pelted us on the ride back. I have to admit, the Rapid Marine Lund cut through HEAVY water as our best fishing trip of the year came to a sad end...

The Lund Wrestles Tough Conditions...

Leaving Lake of the Woods behind...

My Big Fish of the Trip!

If you love walleyes, you love Lake of the Woods. Experience a trip like this through a stay at a place like Wiley Point and you'll understand the lure of Canada's wild places......