FOX Sports North Girls - Kaylin

Hometown: St. Paul, Minnesota

High School Attended: Tartan High School

College Attended: St. Cloud State University

Favorite thing about Minnesota: The lakes, there's one everywhere you look!

Favorite restaurant in Minnesota: Mama's Pizza on Rice Street. 

Favorite sports team (college or pro): Toss up, Twins and Wild

Greatest sports moment or memory: 1991 World Series Game 7 win for our Minnesota Twins.

The celebrity or athlete you would most like to go on a date with? Bradley Cooper, love that hair!

If you could have dinner with anyone who would it be? My grandpa Arvid, I was young when he passed, I'd like him to see me as an adult.

What's the one item you could not live without? Hate to say it, but my iPhone!

What do you think is the greatest invention ever? Airplane

Are you a MAC or PC person? Do you have an iPhone, Blackberry or Droid? PC computer, but iPhone mobile device!

What is the last book you read? Hunger Games Trilogy

What is your favorite movie? I love classic holiday movies... Home Alone, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, A Christmas Story...

Most exotic place you have visited? Grand Turk