Focus is Back on Football for Pack's Sweezy

BY KEN TYSIAC - Staff Writer, News & Observer

August 17, 2010

First of all, N.C. State defensive tackle J.R. Sweezy is sorry.

After the offseason he has had, there's no other place to start.

Sweezy had charges from two separate incidents dismissed against him during the offseason.

A March 18 assault charge - later dismissed - after an altercation with a shuttle bus driver caused him to be suspended during spring practice.

In April, Sweezy was charged with simple possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia and maintaining a dwelling for the use of a controlled substance.

Those charges against Sweezy and two teammates were dismissed when a judge ruled police had improperly searched their off-campus apartment. (A fourth player, tight end George Bryan, has a Sept. 3 court date on a single charge of maintaining a dwelling for using a controlled substance.)

"I don't want to go into detail about everything," Sweezy said. "Obviously, it was bad situations, bad times. But it's behind me now, thank God. I just apologize to everybody and the Wolfpack Nation for associating myself with that kind of stuff."

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