Denver and Seattle police departments talk trash to each other on Twitter

Super Bowl week is finally here.


Do you know who's really fired up for the game? The police departments in Seattle and Denver.

The two groups traded a few barbs recently on Twitter. Did they bring the funny? Eh, kind of. But we like Denver's creativity.

Denver kicked things off with this one:

That's pretty intense and well thought out.

How did Seattle respond? With this:

OK, not very edgy. Seems more like a comeback that a mother would come up with. Also, why would Broncos fans ever jump on the Seahawks' bandwagon? Don't really see that ever happening.

Denver PD didn't find it all that funny, either:

After an MMA site got involved, Seattle PD closed this trash-talk session with another vanilla response.

We give this victory to Denver PD ... and it's not even close.

(H/T YB)