D-backs: 'Nothing would change' with gay player

After NBA player Jason Collins came out Monday, becoming the first active male pro athlete to be openly gay, the reaction in the sporting world was fast and furious. It also came in all varieties, with some voicing support and others pronouncing their criticism of homosexuality.

But there was none of the latter in the Diamondbacks' clubhouse before Monday's game against the Giants, with everyone asked making it clear that if the same were to happen on their team, it would not be a non-story and a non-issue.

“If one of my players came out and said they were gay, I’d have no reaction to it at all. I wouldn’t treat them any differently at all. I’m 56 years old, almost. I’ve gone through a lot in life. I think one of our goals is not to be discriminatory towards anybody based upon their race, their sexuality, what it may be. I would want to know if he could play tomorrow. How his arm was feeling. If he could swing the bat properly. That’s where my focus would go. Nothing would change -- certainly not."

“I just watched the movie ’42’ yesterday. It’s like the next step in that. Fifty years from now, they will make a movie about this, and the people that didn’t accept it are the not-good people. I understand some people might have a problem with it because it is not what they are used to, but I don’t have a problem with it."

“I got no problem with nobody. They decide what they want to do with their life. It’s his life and he’s free to do whatever he wants. I can’t be against him.

 (teammate) “It wouldn’t hurt me. I just worry about me. I cant worry about anybody else. he can do whatever he wants. It’s his decision. That’s what he wanted to be, good for him. I’m happy for him. If he’s happy, I’m happy.

“If it happens, I guarantee everyone would be open to it.

“I mean, I can’t speak for everyone. I can just speak for myself. It wouldn’t affect the way I think of another player or teammate or coach or front office (person). Everyone, whatever they decide is up to them. Everyone makes their own decisions and has their own way of life. I’m open to whatever everyone wants to do.

“Obviously, the views have changed. That’s with anything in society. The views are always changing. I can’t speak to how other sports were a few years ago, but it’s just kind of how the world is. Views are changing. Obviously he is happy about the way it came out for him. If he was my teammate, it wouldn’t affect the view I have. I’m sure his teammates feel the same way.”