Comment of the Day: On Perez, Twitter, and the internet
Today's Comment of the Day deals with the way that people behave on the Internet. "disqus_gYHfIqtuAl" (not his real name) puts it well:
The internet connects us such that we can see just how awful homo-sapiens can be. Of course, via news-outlets and the occasional local horrific events, we were plenty aware of some scumbags that existed in the past. In this era, we learn that behind the veil of anonymity, some people act like junior high bullies... STILL.
If Perez blows a save and you want to say "Hey, how about you stop throwing meatballs down the plate," I've no problem with it. Not exactly a kind or supportive message, but fair-game as it is/was the truth (much like Perez' statements about attendance). These ridiculous statements about how Perez ought to kill himself, and he's "pathetic" and all of that jazz... Just terrible. A poor reflection of human beings, not Cleveland. This stuff happens all over this country; people getting treated like garbage without any provocation. I hope Perez keeps that in mind.