Comment of the Day: Lovin' Cincinnati

There were a lot of great comments over the weekend, mostly in threads about backup quarterbacks, but here are a couple that we especially like.

Today, we'll highlight a thread from over the weekend from our blog post about AJ McCarron and Katherine Webb being spotted at a Reds game.

The comment thread quickly devolved into some sparring between denizens of Cincinnati and those loyal to Alabama. Mobile Mike tried to make sense of it all:

I have never been to Cincy so I will reserve comment about the city. But I just LOVE the snide comments about Alabama and the South coming from people that most likely have never been to either. You know who you are. They guy that supposedly went to a "Rattle Snake Festival" in Mobile,Al. That would be a neat trick because no such festival exists....

Every part of the country has its' good points and bad points. But if you were to visit here you would find the people friendly for the most part, and we have a lot to offer visitors to do and see.

hlennox offers his opinion about the contrast between McCarron and another backup quarterback who has been mentioned in the news:

Interesting how these pics of McCarron compare to those posted by Manziel on acclimating himself to his new hometown and starting to build a relationship with the city...the other partying it up in Vegas...wonder which one is taking his new job more seriously. McCarron is a class act and a great addition to the Bengals!

Keep the great comments coming in our comment sections at the bottom of every article!