Comment of the Day goes to Brian

On Friday we posted a blog about the Ohio State University trademarking Urban Meyer's name and the phrase "Urban Meyer Knows".

This story is sure to bring forward strong arguments for each side of the on-going "should student athletes be compensated" debate.

Reader 'brian' offered up a logical suggestion, so we offer him Comment of the Day:

"Too much is being made on the backs of these kids and
a free education
isn't even close to compensation. They need to take invest in a fund for
the kids that doesn't mature until (they're) 30 and make sure it's
handled by a top tier firm. There needs to be a formula put into place
based off of money made by the university during the players
participation, factoring in playing time and practice

Well said, Brian. If only the NCAA would agree to look into changing this policy in the future, your idea would probably net a lot of support.