Colts rookies go under the clippers for hilarious haircut hazing ritual

It’s that time of year again. NFL training camps are in a full swing, meaning that rookies might be subjected to some truly humiliating haircuts, something that has become something of a summertime ritual over the past few years at camps across the country. Just ask Washington Redskins rookie kicker Zach Hocker about the rising incidence of such chicanery.

The Indianapolis Colts are the latest team to engage in the shearing shenanigans, and of course the evidence of the veterans’ skullduggery found its way on to social media.

Here’s a look-see at the many hideous hairstyles that currently rest atop the scalps of several Colts rookies.

Fantastic… and awful at the same time.

As far as hazing rituals are concerned, a bad haircut pales in comparison to some of the harrowing ordeals rookies were subjected to in years past. That doesn’t mean a bad clipper job resulting in an atrocious hairstyle isn’t a humbling experience for a rookie, it’s just that the impact is a temporary one — the hair, after all, will grow back — and the chances of experiencing long-term psychological trauma as a result are trim, er, slim to none.

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