College student gets A+ for persuasive speech on why 'Tony Romo is clutch'

A narrative has persisted for years that Tony Romo is a choke-artist who cannot and has not performed in the clutch. 

That narrative is bogus. While the Cowboys QB has certainly faltered late in some prime-time games (and really, who hasn't?), simply review a list of Romo's 25 fourth-quarter comebacks and 29 game-winning drives here.

Or consider York College of Pennsylvania sophmore and huge Romo supporter Alex Friedman, who made the case in a persuasive speech assignment that Tony Romo is "clutch." 

The best note, of course, is the professor's remark that he's using Romo in fantasy this week: "Hopefully he's clutch."

Nothing like pumping up your professor's starting fantasy QB to juice a grade. Nice move, Mr. Friedman.

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