Cards' Holliday hits up 'MLB Central,' tells some hilarious stories

Matt Holliday stopped by the MLB Network studios in New York for a chat with the folks at MLB Central on Wednesday and shared some pretty awesome stories.

The six-time All-Star spoke on several topics, from playing for Tony La Russa and Mike Matheny to his high school quarterback days, but one of the funniest moments was when he mentioned how Adam Wainwright recently fell off his scooter and thought he re-tore his Achilles. Good news, though, Cardinals fans. He didn't. 

Another notable moment was when Mark DeRosa brought up a grip test the Cardinals use to measure players' strength. DeRosa said that when he got to St. Louis, Albert Pujols was the leader in almost every category -- until Holliday arrived. That resulted, according to DeRosa, in Pujols trying his hardest to top Holliday, but to no avail. 

Check out the full interview below.