Bruce Springsteen signs student's tardy note after epic LA show

Blame Bruce Springsteen's River tour for another student being unable to make it to school on time.

Tuesday night The Boss played to a sold-out crowd at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, one of three shows to close the arena.

And in typical Springsteen fashion, the show went marathon-length: 35 songs, three hours and 29 minutes.

And that caused a problem for the son of Scott Glovsky.

However, Springsteen came to the rescue, signing the youngster's tardy note.

Another Boss-some moment to add to the ever-growing list.

This is not the first time on the tour a parent has needed to use Bruce as an excuse for a child arriving late to school.

Springsteen met up with another spectator after the show. And we don't think anyone will be asking him for a late note.