British review of Salazar finds no issue with Mo Farah

LONDON (AP) Britain's track and field body says its review of doping claims against coach Alberto Salazar has found no ''evidence of impropriety'' involving Mo Farah.

The review was launched after Salazar, an American long-distance running coach, was accused of encouraging athletes at the Nike Oregon Project to skirt anti-doping rules.

British Athletics says it found no ''reason to question the appropriateness of the input given by the Oregon Project to Mo Farah's training regime.''

The British and American anti-doping agencies are also investigating the claims.

The allegations were made by former Salazar assistant Steve Magness and former runner Kara Goucher in a story by American investigative website ProPublica and the BBC.

Salazar disputes the claims, saying the Oregon Project he leads ''will never permit doping.''