Bennett, Cavs offer assist to Columbus families in need

COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The cars formed a single-file line, stretching from the parking lot into the street, the drivers and their passengers waiting to see Anthony Bennett.

Only this time, no one was waiting to see the No. 1 overall pick in the NBA Draft and Cavaliers forward grab a rebound, set a pick or score a basket. Bennett was offering something much more valuable on this early Sunday evening. He was distributing boxes of food.

Bennett, of course, wasn't the only member of the Cavs who teamed up with hunger relief organization Feed the Children at a West Columbus shopping center.

Everyone from undrafted rookie point guard Matthew Dellavedova to undrafted rookie big man Kenny Kadji to assistant coaches and members of the public relations and marketing staffs also took part -- the idea being to provide a little relief for people in need.

Along with food, the Cavs distributed boxes of Avon products and personal hygiene supplies to 200 local families, the players and coaches placing the packages into vehicles as they slowly drove through the line.

"It means a lot, just giving back to the community," Bennett said. "Even though this isn't my hometown, it's still pretty cool to reach out to other people and make their day."

The Cavs picked Columbus because they play a preseason game there Monday night (vs. Philadelphia at Ohio State, 7 p.m.).

They stage another such event in Cleveland on Friday, which follows a charity event at a Cincinnati grade school on Tuesday.

All are part of NBA Cares Week, when teams and players "participate in events and activities in an effort to give back to their communities in the areas of education, health and wellness and hands-on service," according to a league release.

Based on the smiling faces Sunday in Columbus, events such as these are special not only for those in need, but for those helping them.

"These people are just real happy now," Bennett said. "Just something little like that can change their day. I liked being a part of it."

Twitter: @SamAmicoFSO