Baltimore Mayor Gives Victory Steaks to Ray Lewis Connected Fire Station

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock claimed this week that an unspecified injury kept him from holding up his end of a friendly bet with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. When the Ravens beat the Broncos last week, Hancock was slated to perform Ray Lewis' famous pregame dance. The Denver Mayor did not default on the bet but we have still yet to see the dance. The substitute for the dance showed up in the Baltimore Mayor's office by Thursday according to the Baltimore Sun, a box of dry aged rib-eye from Lombardi Brother's Meats. In lieu of being physically capable to do the Ray Lewis dance, Mayor Hancock sent quality steaks to Mayor Rawlings-Blake. On Saturday, Rawlings-Blake kept the spirit of giving and the spirit of the bet alive when she gave the steaks to Baltimore Fire Department, Engine Company 52. Do not worry,the gift from the Mayor to the fire department was pre-approved by the local union president. Company 52 received the steaks because they represent Ray Lewis both numerically and in demeanor. Baltimore's Company 52 has the reputation of being resilient and tough. The Mayor rewarded their dedication to serving the community with a small token of gratitude, and together the mayor and the fire department offer an even larger token of 'good luck next year' to their counter parts in Denver. I can think of few people who would enjoy the fruits of a Baltimore Mayoral bet, won by Ray Lewis and the Ravens than a hard nosed group of fire fighters donning number 52. Good work Mayor Rawlings-Blake. Mayor Hancock, go straighten some things out with John Fox. [Baltimore Sun]