Author says Bills have drunkest fans in NFL

What do you expect from a fan base that hasn't seen its team make the playoffs in 14 years?

According to author Sean MacDonald, who watched a game in each NFL stadium in 2013, the Bills have the drunkest fans in the league.

MacDonald, who wrote "Ultimate Football Road Trip," didn't paint a pretty picture of what he says takes place at Ralph Wilson Stadium:

"As you can probably guess, Bills fans are the drunkest I witnessed on my trip. That is true before, during and after the game. I even saw the Bills twice on the road and this observation was merely confirmed. Unfortunately, most of them are unable to hold their liquor and lose control, becoming a danger to others or to themselves."

MacDonald didn't stop there.

"Based on what I saw last year, little has changed. Inside the stadium seemed like a free-for-all at times, with fans moving around constantly and far too many in the advanced stages of inebriation, especially in the lower level end zone seats. Beer was constantly being spilled on the concourse and stairways to the seats, making things that much more dangerous. Buffalo, like the many industrial cities in the cold northeast, is a hard-drinking town, but too many fans are simply out of control at Bills games."

Clearly, Bills fans have not read the team's "Fan Code of Conduct," which states that "intoxication or signs of impairment" will not be tolerated.

(Hat Tip: