Alleged Aaron Hernandez letter to fan: 'God put me in this situation'

Aaron Hernandez probably has a lot of free time in jail. He can lift weights, read books, take a shower ... and apparently write letters. Well, if TMZ is to be believed, Hernandez has fired off a missive to someone on the outside world. Supposedly, a fan who spent time at the Bristol County House of Corrections, where Hernandez is being held, sent the former Patriots tight end a letter filled with words of encouragement. Imagine the shock on this fan's face if Hernandez sent a letter in return. Here are some of the highlights from the reported letter: "I know 'God' has a plan for me and something good will come out of this.""The world just makes things out of false accusations and it will all die down especially when they say Not Guilty and all the people who turned on me will feel like crap.""I am a strong person and nothing will break me!""I fell off especially after making all that money but when its all said and done 'God' put me in the situation for a reason!" So, what are we to make of this? TMZ claims they have vetted the veracity of the letter with law enforcement. But still, something strange comes up if you take a look at Hernandez's signature on the letter (HERE is the link). Then compare that signature to this:

We here at Laces Out aren't handwriting experts, but those signatures seem different. Yet, people have been known to sign their name in several different ways, so maybe this is up to snuff. Regardless, it seems like Hernandez is keeping busy. And judging from the letter, if legitimate, he seems to have full confidence that he's getting out someday. And rejoining the NFL. Clearly he knows something we don't. What do you think? Is this letter legit or sketchy?