911 call audio from the MMA fighter home invasion is very disturbing
If the story about four men invading the home of an MMA fighter wasn'€™t scary enough, here'€™s something that even amplifies it.
TMZ obtained the 911 audio from the house in the early morning hours of Jan. 1. A woman inside the New Mexico home of Joe Torrez called authorities to tell them that people were breaking into the house.
"€œThese people came, they'€™re breaking windows,"€ the woman said. "€œWe have a bunch of kids in the house."
The woman on the phone said it was three cars full of people who descended on the home. The sound in the background of shouting and glass breaking is disturbing. At one point, the woman says, "€œThey'€™re trying to stab him with a knife."
"We need somebody here now!"€ the woman screamed. "Now!"
Torrez managed to fend off all four of the men, killing one with a knife and seriously injuring another. The other two fled from the scene and were arrested. The man who was rushed to the hospital with a bad facial injury was also arrested, as were two women on the scene.
In the audio, the woman inside the home said there's a man down on the floor, which is apparently the intruder who died.
"He'€™s an enemy, obviously," she said. "€œHe'€™s laying on the floor. I don't know what'€™s going on."
Torrez'€™s lawyer C.J. McElhinney said one man came into the house wielding a shank and another grabbed a kitchen knife once inside.
Support our friend Joe Torrez! Don't let your rights be taken away! https://t.co/pFpCD6Jbu7 http://t.co/gPaChUmxty
— Jackson's MMA (@JacksonsMMA) January 5, 2014
The investigation into the incident by the Dona Ana County Sheriff and district attorney is still ongoing. Torrez could still be charged with a crime. He has not been cleared.
On Friday, McElhinney filed suit against the sheriff's department to force the release of documents related to the case under the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act.
"Cops think the law allows them to hide everything until they're ready to release it,"€ McElhinney said. "€œThat's not true under New Mexico law."€
Dona Ana County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kelly Jameson said there have not been any updates on the case since last week. Jameson said her office received a records request by a private investigator hired by Torrez'€™s attorney, which was denied.
"€œWe denied that request per the section of the New Mexico Inspection of Public Records Act that allows us to do so," Jameson said.