US athletics team to train in Birmingham for 2012

Birmingham's local government said USA Track & Field has agreed to base the team in Britain's so-called "second city" for six weeks ahead of the Olympics.

Birmingham city council said it signed a memorandum of understanding with USA Track & Field in February 2008 before resuming talks when the U.S. team reviewed its requirements after last year's Beijing Olympics.

The deal was eventually completed after three years of negotiations.

The U.S. team will include about 155 athletes, plus coaches, medical and support staff, some of whom will visit local schools as part of the agreement.

"This will provide a chance for Birmingham's school children to train with real Olympic heroes and see the value of commitment, dedication and a healthy sporty life can give you," Birmingham city council leader Mike Whitby said. "It will be a real legacy that far outweighs the economic boost, as welcome as that is."