SOCHI SCENE: Edin's Temper

SOCHI, Russia (AP) If you see a broom flying across the ice or hear of string of swear words turning the air blue during the Olympic curling tournament, Niklas Edin will most likely be the culprit.

The Swedish men's skip has picked up the tag of ''The John McEnroe of Curling'' because of his bad-tempered outbursts early in his career.

He's now 28 and says those days are behind him. But he isn't discounting them coming back during the Sochi Games.

''I have a hot temper when it matters to me,'' Edin says. ''So you might see that this week.''

Edin's temper tantrums stemmed from when he was a teenager and played a number of individual sports - including, of course, tennis. They continued into his curling career.

Did you chuck your curling broom? ''Check.'' Unleash curse words? ''Check.''

''Now I know you need to stick together in all situations,'' Edin said. ''And if anyone loses their temper, it makes it harder for the rest of the team.''

The Swedes are reigning world champions and among the favorites for gold in Sochi. They practiced for the first time in the Ice Cube Curling Center on Saturday.

- By Steve Douglas - Twitter


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