Now the Olympic water polo pool is turning green too

First, it was the Olympic diving pool. Now its neighbor, the Rio Olympic water polo pool, is turning green too.

The increase in green pigment is because of a "sudden decrease in the alkalinity of the pool" or a "proliferation of algae caused by the heat and lack of wind in the venue," depending on who you ask.

Either way: Gross.

Though given those explanations, it was only a matter of time before the water polo pool went verde too.

The pool is apparently safe for swimming, even if it's full of algae.

The Wall Street Journal received a quote from someone familiar with the pool situation, who said: “If you bake a cake with too much flour, it’s going to turn out bad.”

As a Chicagoan, I can attest that green water is awesome, but I'm not sure I'd go swimming in the Chicago River.