Hungarian Olympic Committee backs intent to bid for 2024

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) Hungary's Olympic committee says it supports making a declaration of intent to bid on the 2024 Summer Games.

According to a feasibility study presented ahead of Wednesday's unanimous vote, the event would be held from July 19-Aug. 4, 2024, while the Olympic village would be built on Csepel Island in the Danube River.

Budapest Mayor Istvan Tarlos, who earlier opposed a 2024 bid, said he was sure the city council would support the declaration of intent in a vote expected on June 23.

The Hungarian government would then make the final decision about submitting the bid on July 1.

Rome, Boston, and Hamburg, Germany, have announced bids for the 2024 Olympics. Paris is also weighing a possible bid.

The deadline for submitting bids to the International Olympic Committee is Sept. 15.