How biathlon is scored

How biathlon is scored in the Olympics:

Biathlon combines cross-country skiing with rifle marksmanship and is the most popular winter sport in Europe, with tens of millions of viewers each week tuning in for World Cup competitions. Biathletes ski as fast as they can, then must quickly calm down to hit a target the size of a half-dollar 50 meters away from a prone position and one the size of a coffee cup saucer from a standing position. As first-time U.S. Olympian Wynn Roberts of Battle Lake, Minn., explains: Try running up and down several flights of stairs, then drink a pot of coffee and finally try to thread a needle. For every missed target, biathletes must ski a 150-meter penalty loop, costing them valuable time. First one across wins the race. Women race shorter distances than the men. Many factors can help or hinder biathletes, including wax on their skis, soft or hard snow, plus wind and fog that can make the targets even more of a challenge.