Canada-3 sled crashes in four-man bobsled run

KRASNAYA POLYANA, Russia -- One of Canada's three bobsleds has crashed during the second run of the Olympic four-man competition.

Driver Justin Kripps, with three new brakemen in his sled, flipped on one of the curves on the Sanki Sliding Center track Saturday. The bobsled slid through several turns on its side with the team member's helmeted heads digging scarily into the ice. All four were checked by medical personnel as they climbed out of the sled, and none of the men appeared to be injured as they walked up the hill to the finish area.

On Saturday, Canada's coaches pulled brakemen Jesse Lumsden, Cody Sorensen and Ben Coakwell from Canada-1 with driver Chris Spring and put them with Kripps, who had better training times.

After the crash, Canada-3 had lost too much time to qualify for the fourth and final run.