Watch crowd throw more than 20,000 teddy bears onto ice at hockey game

Hockey's annual "teddy bear toss" is one of the best traditions in sports. Each year, certain teams ask fans to bring stuffed animals to a select game and throw them on the ice after the home team's first goal. Then, the toys are collected and donated to children in need for the holidays.

The AHL’s Hershey Bears held their event on Sunday, when fans made more than 20,000 stuffed animals rain down from the sky after the Bears' first goal in the opening period. In a pretty hilarious touch, the goal-scorer, Garrett Mitchell, tripped on a rogue teddy bear while celebrating the goal.

The videos that come from these events are always awesome, but the Bears' had some strategically-placed cameras to make it all even better. The camera behind the Hershey bench is especially great.

In the end, it was yet another successful, charitable endeavor with the final tally sitting at 20,662.