New York Rangers: My Rangers Story; Justin Starr

This month at Blue Line Station, we are publishing stories on how our writers became fans of the New York Rangers. This week’s story comes from Justin Starr. Justin is 24 years-old, diehard New York Rangers fan and will be graduating with honors in Professional Communications at Farmingdale State College in three weeks. This is his story…

I grew up on Long Island, New York in a small town called Sayville. I was always into sports and was always involved in athletics. The two sports that I played growing up were baseball and basketball. My parents would always sign me up for Sayville Little League and various Basketball leagues in the general area. Usually, when you playing certain sports growing up, those tend to become your favorite sports to watch, right? Well, in my case it was different.

My parents would always sign me up for Sayville Little League and various basketball leagues in the general area. Usually, when you playing certain sports growing up, those tend to become your favorite sports to watch, right? Well, in my case it was different.

I never learned how to skate or play hockey in general but I was so fixated on watching this team called the New York Rangers. I remember growing up and listening to Sam Rosen and John Davidson on the MSG broadcast thinking that is what I want to do when I grow up. I enjoyed watching other sports and rooting for teams such as the New York Knicks, Yankees, Mets, Jets, and Giants. Still to this day, I consider myself a Rangers, Knicks, Yankees, and Jets fan but I have no issues cheering for the other New York teams. I realized that my fan hood for the New York Rangers grew deeper because I couldn’t stand the thought of rooting for the New York Islanders.

When I was about nine years old, my parents bought me tickets to go see the New York Rangers play against the New Jersey Devils. My parents couldn’t bring me so I ended up going into the game with my Uncle Jay.

Now, my Uncle Jay was always a good luck charm for me growing up when I would go into sporting events with him. Derek Jeter had handed me his game used bat once, I’ve also caught two-three home run balls with him by my side. Those are stories for a different time, though.

I remember heading into Madison Square Garden with my Uncle Jay and I was so excited to see the Rangers play for the first time that season. I especially remember being excited about seeing Pavel Bure play in a Rangers uniform. After the 1st period, my Uncle said he wanted to get me something from the merchandise store. After a few minutes of shopping through the store, I found what I was looking for. A #9 Pavel Bure home jersey, my Uncle looked at the price tag and looked at me. He asked if this was what I really wanted and of course I said “Yes” without any hesitation.

After the 1st period, my Uncle said he wanted to get me something from the merchandise store. After a few minutes of shopping through the store, I found what I was looking for. A #9 Pavel Bure home jersey, my Uncle looked at the price tag and looked at me. He asked if this was what I really wanted and of course I said “yes,” without any hesitation.

After my uncle purchased me my first New York Rangers jersey, I remember throwing it over my body and us walking out of the store. Not even 5 seconds after walking out and this girl that worked for the Rangers Blue Crew walked up to me. She said that I was a cute Rangers fan and she wanted me to ride the Zamboni in between periods. I was hesitant and my uncle didn’t even give me an option. I was getting on that Zamboni.

It was like a dream, there I was, riding around on the ice that my favorite team plays on. Everyone in the stands was waving at me and I couldn’t get rid of that smile. Looking back on that picture, I still smile every time thinking about how lucky I was. I was living a dream and I knew that I would be a New York Rangers fan for the rest of my life.

Its moments in your life growing up that leave lasting impressions on a person. For me, riding the Zamboni was one of those defining moments. From waiting in parking garages with my dad waiting to meet the players, to being asked to ride the Rangers zamboni, and then years later to reaching out to John Giannone asking to interview him and agreeing. It’s these moments that I will never forget and will hope to share with my future kids. The lasting knowledge that I learned from John Giannone when he kindly took time out of his day to allow a college student to interview him.

It is all of these memories, it is all of the times shared with friends and family that make me proud to be a New York Rangers fan. My uncle has since passed but his legacy will live on forever with me.

I recently got my first tattoo in memory of him and I think it is the perfect representation of him. Whenever anyone asks me how I became a Rangers fan? I can show them my tattoo and tell them that this man had a lot to do with it.

I will forever be a New York Rangers fan and I hope I am able to share amazing memories with my future kids just like I have been given in my life.

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